I've really let myself slip up on the eating these last few weeks. Obviously I've been doing well with the workouts since I'm running Zumba three nights a week, but other than that, I've been doing a crap job. I'm not even going to lie. I use Zumba as an excuse for why I can eat whatever I want. I mean, I haven't been doing THAT bad, but I haven't been feeling guilty if I order french fries or get take-out.
Being home at Thanksgiving rocked my diet world. I'm not used to being around junk food and I don't know how to curb myself once I start. My mom eats a very healthy diet, so there was good food in the house, but because I was around the junk food, we all know what I chose. We did go to Zumba Saturday morning, so that was a nice break, but I continued to eat like crap Saturday afternoon and evening.
Now that I'm back home, I've gotten a cold that won't go away. I was out sick on Tuesday trying to recuperate, went back yesterday for a full day.. like, a 7 AM to 6 PM day after all was said and done, and woke up this morning feeling worse than Tuesday. I've been on the couch all day with Robitussin and OJ, so I'm hoping to knock it out of me.. or at least well enough that I can feel like a functioning member of society at Zumba tonight.
I did run out for groceries and loaded up on healthy goodies for next week since it's a busy weekend. I'm going to try the Lean Cuisine business again this week. I do know that Thursday will not be a good lunch day because it's Holiday Dinner day at school and I loooooove the turkey, so I'm going to plan a cheat day for Thursday and try to be spot on the rest of the week.
I have some big news coming up, by the way. :) Stay tuned!