Some photos from July. Click to make bigger! From top left to bottom right:
1. Some of my toys hanging out on the bed. This was when I first moved in and really needed to make the place feel more familiar. It's getting better now as we accumulate more things from our opshop trawls.
2. View from the plane as we flew from Brisbane. Looking at the 'cloud mountains' is fun, it's like another landscape that you could just roll around on!
3. A nook above the kitchen doorway, with recent opshop finds.
4. Crochet bedspread found by my boyfriend at a thrift shop up the hill. The shop is pretty big! I was a tad overwhelmed and only bought one Little Golden Book to cut up and use for envelopes, but I am crossing my fingers that a flower cup I left behind is still there next time we visit!
5. Mailboxes that look like little houses are awesome.
6. I found some pretty neat buttons today, and to my delight I spotted another blue lady button for my mister, who found the same one a day beforehand. Yippee! My favourite (besides the lady) is the red one.
7. Oh my goodness. There was a icecream truck doing the rounds in our neighbourhood on Sunday! I hope no-one takes this the wrong way, but Tasmania is weird! I can't remember the last time I saw an icecream van in Brisbane (except at the beach and fetes, but that doesn't count).
8. I found these shoes yesterday! $6 and pretty comfy, even though I kept stumbling in them during my walk to the post office due to the low heel and the fact I never watch where I am going!
9. The two blue lady buttons I mentioned earlier. So pretty!
10. I haven't really got my desk sorted out yet. At present, all my stationery is shoved in a big ugly cardboard box that is close to falling apart. So, to kind of 'make do' I called upon my grade 3 crafting skills and covered an old tin with an envelope I received in the mail (I just flipped it over to reveal the blue/white security print). I'd jazz it up with MT tape but I don't have any yet (I sold them at Suitcase Rummage before I left) and am eagerly awaiting an order for some to arrive in the mail! Eee!
11. There is a lavender bush growing in a front yard that we pass on the way to the shops, and I may have pinched a little sprig. So delicious smelling! Sometimes I think the leaves smell like rosemary.
12. Poppy sitting pretty on our new/old armchair. I think guinea pigs kind of resemble furry slugs, eggplants and chickens when they sit in certain positions.
13. Are these daffodils? I mean, they look like daffodils to me but they grow everywhere here! Even in our back garden and it seems like they must be regarded as weeds, due to the fact that before we moved in, the owner put tarps down over the garden beds and laid heaps of yucky grey rocks all over it so they don't grow. But I see them growing outside the gaps and I help them along hehe.
14. Chocolate caaaake! It was suggested I purchase 'snacks' when I went to the store today, so I bought ginger beer (my new obsession!), ground coffee for the stovetop and a packet of gluten free chocolate cake mix. Good golly it was a tasty afternoon tea snack!
15. My favourite corner in our back yard. I'm not sure what these flowers are either, but I keep referring to them as cherry blossoms, even though that is far from correct! Anyone know? I need a 'flora of Tasmania' guide!
16. Does the gorilla have a shark in it's fist?