In the early mornings last week I couldn't resist letting Pip and Poppy (our two guinea pigs) loose in the lounge room while I warmed up with a big cup of tea. When we get our internet connected, I'll upload a video of them running and jumping around on the carpet. It's really fun to watch and it cracks me up every time. In fact, I think they go even more bonkers when I laugh at them.

I like hanging some of my jewellery on the mirror, and rotating the pieces every now and again. Seeing them makes me happy, especially this guy above! He is a circus bear and is handmade by a real nice girl-lady called Gem.
Having lots of brooches and necklaces to wear and choose from is especially good because I feel as though I've been wearing the same sweater for days. Actually, that's true, oops! I only have 3 sweaters to rotate between, so I guess I am in the market for some extras (suggestions?).

Anywho, I am off to decorate my new home studio space and write a big list of all the things I'd like to make for the house. A outdoor run for the guinea pigs and working on a vegetable/herb garden sound like a pretty good start!