Christian Travelers Guide

We Are The World - Daughters of Charity Op Shop Review

I don't know about anyone else, but I have been driving past this op shop for years, and never once stepped foot inside. I'm not sure what good excuses I really have, given I lived in and around Joondanna for years. So when I happened to be in the area last Friday, I thought there was no time like the present to check it out.

You Got That At An Op Shop?!

A quick bit of background, the Daughters of Charity Op Shop is run by the good people of Ruah Community Services, an organisation well known for providing a diverse range of services to disadvantaged members of the community such as mental health, housing, employment & release from prison assistance.

Now to be honest, this is one place where looks can be deceiving. Initially my impression was that it was a little dusty and dark, but once I adjusted my expectations (not too sure what I was expecting actually!), you'll find this place simply wonderful.

You Got That At An Op Shop?!

The first room you walk into holds a small selection of clothes however on this occasion I didn't spend too much time checking this section out. Given the small size, and a number of other customers already in browsing mode, it was easier for me to head out to the bric-a-brac room, which was a lot more spacious and filled with all sorts of goodies.

I took my time to rifle through the various odds and ends, picking myself up a couple of Johnson's bowls for the collection (you can never have too many cereal bowls, surely?). You really need to put your bag down, grab a space and go through the huge range of crockery one by one, if that is your want. This section isn't in any particular order, but you can definitely come across some pure gold amongst the offerings.

You Got That At An Op Shop?!

For you book lovers, there is a reasonable assortment of books, housed conveniently in shelving along one of the walls, and there is a good collection of vinyl and cd's too. One thing to be mindful of is that what these items are sitting on, are also for sale - so keep an eye out on the tables, chairs etc in the middle of the room too.

You Got That At An Op Shop?!

I was pretty happy to find that this room wasn't the end of all goodies, as upon taking a step up, you head out into a back room of sorts, where all you craft lovers are going to go nuts. I had my first "bummer" moment when I saw a lovely octagonal wooden sewing basket for $5... I thought I might come back to it, but alas, it had already been snatched up and paid for. Ok, so I don't sew, knit, crochet or darn socks but geez, I wish I grabbed that one. Sigh... .anyways... !

You Got That At An Op Shop?!

There is a good selection of couch cushions, blankets, wool, haberdashery etc for you crafty people and for you parents there is a good selection of well loved toys and games. Toys extend out again to an enclosed back patio where you'll find an assortment of stuffed bargains (50c - $1). I also found that the back is where some larger furniture is kept too. There aren't massive amounts (well not when I was there) but if you are after a second dresser for the guest room, or a well loved lounge for the man cave, you'll definitely be in luck.

You Got That At An Op Shop?!

Now, while I was hunting I noted only the odd price tag. I was a little concerned that I was falling more and more in love with my Johnson plates and that at the end of the journey, I was going to have to part with them due to high cost. But the way this gorgeous little place works is that unless your item is clearly marked (ie coffee cups are all one price) then it's up to the ladies behind the front counter to work out a fair price. It's a bit along the lines of how tattooists can charge you whatever they want for the privilege of their ink - depending on your attitude. Well, while this system probably isn't quite as cut throat, it does bring me to my...

You Got That At An Op Shop?!

Op Shop Rule No 2: Be Nice To The Staff! As I mentioned in my Bindaring review last week, more often than not, the workers behind our thrifting community are volunteers. I can't begin to tell you how many times I've witnessed bad behaviour directed at them. They don't get paid to put up with your sh*t people! If Mavis is taking her time to work the Eftpos machine, don't stand there and sigh out loud - give her a hand! She's probably only just learned how to switch on a computer, let alone operate the damn Eftpos machine*. A please and thank you makes everyone's day - including yours.

So, for my day's pickings of a huge wicker basket, 2 x Johnson bowls and 2 x vintage placemats, the price came to a grand total of $3.50. You bloody beauty.

You Got That At An Op Shop?!

All in all, the Daughters of Charity Op Shop is a little gem. It's not massive, but what they do have holds some real treasure. Definitely expect the unexpected. And for goodness sake, be nice to Mavis otherwise you may find yourself paying through the nose for a hanky (pardon the pun)!

Kel xo

Stock Up On: *Crafty needs Try Somewhere Else: *Clothing

Daughters of Charity Op Shop
421-423 Oxford Street
Mt Hawthorn
Ph: 9443 9968
Open: Monday-Friday 9.30am - 3.30pm/Saturday 9.00am - 12pm

*Totally happened to me. Lucky I remembered how to thread the paper through the rollers one of those things!

You Got That At An Op Shop?!