The girl might be back from Bosnia but Bosnia is still fascinating for the girl. I just can't resist posting a link to this article by Balkan Insight which asks how is the proposed ban on minarets in Switzerland and burkas in Belgium and France different to the nationalist politics preached by the politicians in the Republika Srpska (the Serb half of Bosnia, known as the RS)?
Milorad Dodik, the President of the RS, has commented that by banning burkas in the RS they are becoming more European. Whilst any movement towards a more European position by the Serbs is to be encouraged, I'm not sure this is entirely what the EU meant. Whilst few Bosnians actually wear burkas, it is not going to make those Bosnian Muslims who have returned to the area following their 'cleansing' during the conflict feel welcome.
As the article's author says "The fact that the burqa ban is getting support form such (un)expected quarters should give Sarkozy and the Belgium authorities some food for thought".
And getting back to the parent theme of the blog briefly, the latest edition of the British Mummy Bloggers Carnival is up over at Rosie Scribble's. I do recommend having a browse, there's some great posts included!