Christian Travelers Guide

dotty lady

Some dotty flowers on my nails to keep me feeling cheery (until it all chips away as I am always making things, or washing dishes!). In other more exciting news, I attended my first Brisbane Institute of Art jewellery making course last night and boy was it fun! It focuses on using everyday/household objects to make wearable jewellery, which is my favourite! I can't wait to play with the drills and hammers and files again. When I move to Tasmania I plan to set up a good studio space as soon as possible. Eep!

I also can't wait for tomorrow morning, as I will be attending my first lesson in a silversmithing course too! Short courses seem to be a better option for me, as you can cover all the beginner basics in just 9 lessons, and if it turns out that a certain subject isn't really working for you, it's no biggie! It's also great because I'm a keen dabbler in all mediums and am already planning to book into ceramics and crochet classes before the end of the year (assuming I don't miss out!).

Have you ever attended any short courses or workshops that you really enjoyed? Is there anything you would love to learn but haven't yet attempted?

  1. > cards for friends
  2. > stickerz
  3. > tropicano
  4. > Home Births... or not
  5. > origami club