Other than food, I killed it staying on track while at the conference in State College. I swam Monday night, ran Tuesday (and finally hit 4 miles again!), and did an early morning elliptical workout Wednesday. I developed a wicked blister on Tuesday, so I haven't really been able to do anything involving sneakers. (Yes, I know, mole skin is my friend, but for whatever reason, I never have any
luck keeping mole skin, blister tape, band aids, whatever, on my feet).
There's a lot of craziness going on this week and next with the end of the grad school semester, the business of this time of the teacher school year, family picnics being hosted at our house, etc. I've decided to let myself take a little hiatus for the week and get back into it on Monday with some Zumba, then pick up my running schedule again.
I'm a firm believer that sometimes my body just needs it, and as I sit here staring at a gorgeous Saturday morning, wishing my foot was healed, I know I'll be back at it in no time. I just needed to prioritize for a week.