Christian Travelers Guide

Zumba Toning

I was licensed in Zumba Toning yesterday... woohoo! Who thought those little 1 lb. weights could leave a girl so sore? I woke up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and my body felt like lead. Not running today like I had planned, going to rest and walk the Lu instead, since I do have Zumba at 1:30.

This week has been great. I have stuck to my plan. I've made a few substitutions, but the calories have not changed. For instance, Friday night, I had an egg white omelette with fat free cheese and ham with two pieces of whole grain toast with spray butter and sugar free jam instead of chili. I was just getting tired of it.

Last night, I let myself indulge, only because I had plans to go to a cocktail party at a friend's house. Lots of food, but I didn't feel sick, which is a step... but I still let myself eat a little more than I should.

I'm pretty excited to see my weight on Tuesday.. it's consistently been in the 160s this week -- woohoo!

ANNNND.. 6 days 'till Tyler Arboretum 10K!

  1. > stickerz
  2. > tropicano
  3. > Home Births... or not
  4. > origami club
  5. > Stuck