Christian Travelers Guide


Last Week: 172.4
This Week: 176.4
Week's Loss: +4 lb.
Week's %: --

Total Loss: 56.8 lb.
Total %: 24.3%

Current BMI: 29.4
Total BMI Change: 9.4

So. Okay, I know I made a lot of bad choices this weekend. Honestly, it's not like I had ONE bad day, I had three bad days. I know that I did not gain 4 pounds this weekend. My pants still fit loosely. But, looking at my hands as I type this, I can definitely see some water retention. I would love to see another one of those big drops next week after having such an off-week, but I also know that a 5 lb. weight loss is not typical. All I can do is work my booty off this week.

Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: 45-minute Zumba, kettlebells
Thursday: 45-minue Zumba, pilates
Friday: Week 2 Day 1 Bridge to 10K
Saturday: Appt. with trainer, cross-train
Sunday: Week 2 Day 2 Bridge to 10K
Monday; 45 minute Zumba + 1 hr. Zumba

  1. > I'm a white wine drinker
  2. > The Gallery: Picture Postcard
  3. > Review: PlayDoh Fun Factory Spin n' Store
  4. > Shoes
  5. > Virgin Atlantic Airways