Christian Travelers Guide

Unforseen circumstances

I didn't do a very good job with sticking to my plan for the week. :\ I misjudged Wednesday -- we actually had parent-teacher conferences from 5-8, so I left school at 3:30, walked Lu, and headed back to school. I've been overdoing it on the caffeine this week because it has literally felt like the longest, hardest week ever.

So, Wednesday, no Zumba. Thursday's Zumba sucked. I was exhausted, I was late, I just wasn't in it.

Then there's Friday.

I was eating my Special K protein bar after dropping my nuggets off at art class around 11:30, as I finished my bar, I went to get stuff out of my teeth and realized that half of my tooth was missing! I flipped out, checked in my mirror and, sure enough, I looked like one of the Clampetts! I called my dentist in a panic and they could only get me in if I could be there in 15 minutes. Otherwise, it'd have to wait till Monday. Um, no. So, I got coverage for my classes and ran out of there with fire trailing behind me.

Long story short, I had to have it pulled and for whatever reason, it's really messed with me this weekend. I cancelled my appointment with my trainer for Saturday (did reschedule for Friday though!) and spent most of the day on the couch until P. and I went out for dinner and a Borders run. I tried to run a little bit Saturday morning, but everytime my foot hit the pavement, I could feel it shoot through my jaw. Ouch. Still lazy today. But, tomorrow is a double Zumba day, so hopefully I'm back on track. :)

I did have one small breakthrough today. P. and I went for coffee with two of our friends and after I ordered my sugar-free caramel latte, I spotted a chocolate ganache covered cupcake. Dark chocolate. Oh. My. God. I sat there for two hours thinking about this damn cupcake until we finally left and I never had to look at it again. Only, I've been thinking about it since I came home from the stupid cafe! Grr.

I was craving fast food tonight too, so I made my own version of an Egg McMuffin and let myself have a Peppermint Patty as dessert. I'm trying so hard to be good.. but I'm really seeing how much exercise and diet have to do with each other. If I'm working out, I want to eat well.