It's been raining here. Which is only relevant because I live in LA, and it rarely rains here. Well, that and the fact that I can't wear suede shoes on these days. I am never that prepared for the rain and it almost always screws up my outfit that was planned for the day.
But today was to be my 10 mile run and I had a decision. Either a) stick it out in the rain, or b) do 10 miles on the "dreadmill".
Now, I never run on the dreadmill because I can't stand running in place. And some of you out there do 20 or more miles on the dreadmill. Wow! Total admiration. No clue how you do it.
Anyway, I set off at 5:30 am and at mile 2, had to come home. I was soaked. So I decided to do option c) and switch today's run and tomorrow's run.
The good news is, when I got home, I tried out the new jump rope that I got for my little guy. So it really was not a wet t-shirt jump rope contest. But I was certainly jumping rope in a rain-soaked running outfit! PS-this isn't me in the pix below but I wish I had those arms!
Jump roping is hard!! But it was such a fun little workout. And now I know I can go outside and get a few hops in that will totally increase my heart rate in a short amount of time! What are your favorite cardio activities other than running?
With regards to my mom goal this week, my little guy and I were able to work on crafts together and that was fun. He even entered a local coloring contest at the Wild Animal Park so I think the competition helped him with motivation.
At work, I have set myself up to reach my numbers this week and am working every day towards that. I tend to procrastinate so that fact that I have done a little each day, is a big accomplishment for me.
One of the websites suggested taking a break while at work and jumping rope in your office for a few minutes. Say, WHAT? Hmmm... that's not something I can picture doing in an office of lawyers. But it's a funny thought!!
Hope your week is going great!