I'm not very good at staying focused on this. While I've somewhat been watching what I eat and periodically exercising, the beginning of the school year found me focused on everything but. I was home last weekend for the Bald Eagle Mountain Megatransect. I was convinced I could finish it, but I ended up completing only 10 miles. However! I tried this two years ago at 50+ pounds heavier and it was so much easier this time. I actually had to wait on my mom this year, not the other way around. For me, that's a huge accomplishment.
I'm trying my hardest to really crack down on what's going into my body and what I'm putting out. I've registered for a 7.2 mile trail run in Reading in January called Chilly Cheeks. It looks pretty rough, so that will be my focus for the next 3 months. Spinning classes, running, hiking, P90X, etc. I can totally kill 7.2 miles. :)