Yoga. That's been my regular Tuesday cross training activity. And I do yoga at a gym of beautiful people. So it's my 6 foot awkward self in a room of skinny beautiful pretzels that can do every position perfectly. It is always hilarious, and today was no exception. The 2 least flexible people in the room are (1) me, and (2) a super buff broze hardbody guy that I'm certain lifts 1000 times his body weight. And his new favorite place to be in the yoga room is right next to me. Why? Because I bet he feels better about his positions knowing that I can't do them either. It's all so surreal in that room on Tuesdays.
Anyway, this week has been great so far. Very family oriented so far. I had a great one-on-one lunch with my sister, who is my BFF. And we ate at one of my fav places for Phillipino food! Great family, good food - it doesn't get much better.

And I also got to have a conversation with my favorite cousin, who I have not spoken with in months. So my "Lady of the House" goal this week regarding reaching out to family has been accomplished!
I am on track with my runs this week and have run every day so far. My other health goal this week was to watch portions - still trying to stick with this!
It's on to the rest of the adventures for the week...