It's October! Last night we had our first October family bake night and made creepy finger cookies. And what is cool, is I have been successful in my sugar/sweetener for 23 days now! So we baked the cookies, I didn't even have so much as a bite :)

What helped to motivate me to NOT eat sugar were the new running kicks I got and the fact that I kicked a** on my 10 mile run earlier that day.
Well. it's off to the San Diego Wild Animal Park for us today! And I am taking the 2 cousins with us so... that make me and 3 kids - crazy. So before I freak out about being a Sunday daycare program, here are my g-o-a-l-s for this week:
Healthy Happiness
To make sure to complete all of my runs this week for my 27 mile week - the half marathon is 21 days away! My second goal is to be more awar of portion sizes at meals and snack times (and I have a new tool to help with that!)
Mom Missions
To work on crafts at least twice this week - improving his art and small motor skills. It's sometimes a challenge for boys who want to play, play, play
Lawyer Limits
To accomplish my "number" goals this week at work. I will not start next week behind schedule!
Academic Ambition
To do at learn at least 1 thing new thing this week in the kitchen - new recipe, new nutritional snack, etc
Lady of the House
To be more focused on extended family. We take them for granted sometimes, but with the holidays approaching, I will do at least 1 thing this week to reach out to family.
Have a great first week of October and as you look to accomplishing new objectives in your running and training this fall!