As the room mom, I sat on a school bus today with 70 screaming second graders, up a spiral mountain road, for an hour and a half:
Don't let the grin fool you - I was carsick. But the kids had a blast. Here is mine making some sort of blanket thing from the colonial period (I sound educated, don't I?)
It was Riley's Farm in Oak Glen and was honestly a lot of fun. But it was a very long day!
My do-over goal from last week was to get out the party invites for my soon-to-be 7 year old. Well, I've tried. But so far, the movie theater won't even let me book the tickets! **sigh** But suffice to say that every day I call the fancy smancy dinner theater and deal with them about the party. So this mom is actually trying to meet my mom goals. Wish me luck!
And here is my favorite picture (taken by my little guy) of me on the farm:
Don't worry, I don't run in these boots!
Ironically, Riley's Farm did not have any animals other than a golden retriever. There was apple picking, berry picking, and activities to learn about the colonial period. But not a single horse! Any good farm stories out there?