Here is a pix of me about 6 am before the race started at Griffith Park in Los Angeles (taken by someone who obviously wasn't fully awake yet, since the pix is blurry):

And here is me after the race at LA Live downtown:

Everything that happened in between was awesome. I had my personal best time ever. And I had a really fun time.
I didn't know anyone, nor did I have anyone waiting for me at the finish. You, blogland, are my only "running" friends. But I enjoy doing the running thing pretty much by myself. I have people all around me in every other aspect of my life. So the "alone time" actually feels nice.
My family and loved ones are very supportive and would do anything I needed or wanted to support me. I've just never asked for their involvement with my races.
Someday I might ask for that.
But for now I am enjoying doing it alone. But with the support of you people on the blogs that I read.
OK - that is it for now. Now I am off to finishing the chocolate skeleton pretzels and creepy finger cookies for my little guy's 2nd grade class...
Happy Monday and Happy Racing on all your upcoming adventures :)