Christian Travelers Guide

Goals, unsweetened

Today I went to a delicious brunch in Beverly Hills to help celebrate my sister and brother-in-law's 8 year anniversary. And since we were in Beverly Hills, I took this picture with a celebrity outside of the Four Seasons (where we ate):

Me and Marilyn livin' it up!

On that note, here are my goals for this coming week:

Healthy Happiness

No sweets or sweetners week. Unbelievably difficult for me! My nutritionist has said that I need to do a "sugar fast" to teach my mind and body to respond differently to sugar. Sweetners (even no calorie ones) keep the sugar fix going and so I cannot do any sweetners. But more on the that on Monday's post...

Mom Missions

To help my little guy practice kindness. This means that I will be working with him to practice 2 kindnesses at home every day (offering to take out the trash, offering to help, etc). This is not for his normal responsibilities. Kindnesses go beyond what is required.

Lawyer Limits

To keep my focus on the work when I am there. This means mentally focusing and not get caught up in politcs or any other distractions. I have also resolved to think of 2 things every day that I am grateful for about my job :)

Academic Ambition

To finish the book that I started reading months ago and have not finished yet! (This means incorporating some "down time" into my schedule)

Lady of the House

Clothes!! I need to get rid of a serious amount of clothes in my closet as most of them don't fit me any more. Plus, a bonus - I'm going to NY in a couple of weeks and will be doing some shopping, I'm sure. I want to bring my purchases home to some cleaned out closets :)

Have a terrific week and all the best to you in accomplishing your goals :)