Christmas time is nearing, have you got your gifts sorted yet? Starting today I will be sending out free gifts with all purchases from my shop, hooray!
Here is an idea of what you can expect to receive:
Spend $10+ : free fabric badges
Spend $20+ : free fabric badges + rainbow, collage or hand drawn brooch
Spend $30+ : free button necklace (only two available!) or temporary tattoos (only 3 packs available!) + fabric badges + rainbow, collage or hand drawn brooch + vintage button set
Spend $40+ : free tea towel + random button set + rainbow, collage or hand drawn brooch + fabric badges + mini shape studs
Spend $50+ : free tote bag + acrylic house brooch + free fabric badges + rainbow, collage or hand drawn brooch + vintage button set
Spend $60+ : free tote bag + free tea towel + random wooden brooch (example) + vintage button set + fabric badge
Spend $100+ : a bit of everything listed above! Woohoo!
* Please note you may not receive exactly what is listed above, as it is just a general idea of what you could receive (some things may run out) however I will still include a great variety of surprises and I assure you won't be disappointed!
* This offer will last until December 25th
Oh and I'll be busting out the crayons, stamps, stickers, mt tape and bakers twine for FREE gift wrapping on your purchases, even if they are just for yourself!
Happy shopping, Pannikin friends!