What happens to pairs of socks?
Here I have a photo of the odd socks that have accumulated over the past 2 weeks or so. Two weeks ago they all had a pair; they were neatly attached together and to be found in the boys sock drawer. Today, they are lonely forgotten creatures, taunting me with their oddness.
I've searched high and low for their missing pair. I've looked in the laundry basket, on the clothes horse and through all the dried and not yet folded/put away pile. Not there. I've double checked that the that the bottom of my laundry basket is not, in fact, a portal to another world where they may have slipped through in a bid for freedom. It looked pretty normal to me.
Now, I can be a bit random in my domestic abilities, but at no point have my boys reappeared wearing just one sock, meaning that they must be in the house somewhere. But where? Suggestions in the form of a postcard/comment at the bottom of the post very gratefully received.
PS - I ought to point out that this is just the boys pile of odd socks. The pile of adult (almost always black) odd socks is a whole new scary disaster zone that I don't have the reserves to enter into. Best left for another day/decade.