Going to the doctors isn't so bad when there are 3 opshops a stones throw away. I only had time to visit one, and it's good I did because I had a lot to carry home! Well, a small ironing board plus a bag of goodies isn't really a lot, but it sure is awkward to shuffle onto the bus.
Anyway, this thrift haul had me so excited I turned into a blathering loon by the time I reached the counter. This resulted in the lady thinking that I was talking about my excitement over the dolls because I just found out that I was pregnant after the doctor visit. Haha! How awkward. What I was really trying to say was that I was excited to find the little girl dolls after a boring doctor appointment!

My beautiful pink children's sewing machine! Isn't it just the perfect amount of faded plasticy fun?! This takes two massive batteries which I am assuming have no life left because I can't get it going with the foot pedal.

New dolly #1. I'm not really into dolls like some people are but some of them are just too pretty and cheery to leave behind. This girl still needs a name, but I think I might choose the name of the female vocalist from a tape my boyfriend was playing this afternoon. I may or may not have made the doll dance to the music.

Dolly #2. Still nameless. And clothes-less too, whoops! Suggestions? I'd like to try make a little smock dress for her from the blue floral fabric in the first photo.

Couldn't resist this one, even at $3.00. Old, papery goodness.

Obviously the excitement was a little too much and I had to share straight away on instagram while I waited for the bus.

Complete list of finds:
1. Tupperware container. There was another I left behind that I didn't purchase, but wish I did because I wanted to turn it into a wall clock. Next time!
2. Australian flora souvenir coasters. So bad it's good.
3. Alice in Wonderland book. Just so nice!
4. Neon pink clear pencil case. I actually needed a pencil case and this is perfect. The kid's section is usually my favourite to fossick through.
5. Bread stamps. I love how lame these are, but I am the kind of person who loves to make 'food surprises'. The white one says 'Good Morning' and has a sunrise.
6. White and red grid coasters. They came packaged but I was too keen to rip them out.
7. Buttons. I can never resist the button baskets, and I am mighty happy I found these amongst all the plain boring ones.
8. Plastic flowers. For a top secret project!
9. Sewing machine. I think I have expressed my adoration of this object enough.
10. Dolls. I think these will go in the sewing room. Not technically a sewing room, but that's where the sewing machine currently sits, so, you know...
11. Embroidery hoop. I know it's a bit battered with all that masking tape but it'll be fine for personal projects.
12. Ironing board cover. I'm not sure if this is a retro item or just tacky new stuff? Either way, it rules and now I won't have to iron on the dining table (shhh!).
13. Blue floral fabric. Not sure what to do with this at the moment. It will have to sit in the thrifted fabric pile (yes, there is already a pile and most of it comes from children's sheets/pillowcases/cot blankets with dorky animals printed on them.)