Boy oh boy it was really rainy and windy today! I took the guinea pigs inside and let them roam free in the lounge room while I waited out the rain, so I could walk to the store (and spend unfortunate amounts of money at the chemist).

Apple is their 2nd favourite treat. Parsley is probably their 1st. It makes them jump around with excitement.

Look at those prancy feet! Eep!

Time for a nap under the couch. Pip (the little brown one) is sitting in a position that reminds me of a chicken. Poppy is sleeping like a cat!

Guinea pigs don't close their eyes while they rest, as it's a survival instinct. Poppy is cute because she almost completely closes her eyes when she rests, and likes laying on her side or burying deep into the crook of your arm if you hold her close.
Ok, time for me to go do some drawings for new ideas (yay!) and finish my ginormous hot chocolate. Have a nice evening!
Pleasant things:
I'm of two minds about detachable collars. They are pretty, yes, but I'd rather a complete collared top, plus I'm not too keen on the gaps you sometimes see when the neckline underneath is too low.
Couldn't resist buying this book last week.
One day I will save up and purchase one of these super colourful knits.