This afternoon I baked a batch of biscuits and some of them turned out a bit... flat. And crispy. Yet still delicious! Haha. I like using a basic biscuit recipe and adding my own flavourings. Batch #1 was rosemary and date (a firm favourite in our house thanks to Emily Nelson) and batch #2 was a simple chocolate choc-chip.

These ones had extra flour added to them, so they came out juuuust right!

Needless to say, we have polished off quite a few already. Warm biscuits straight from the oven is one of my favourite things. Another favourite is collecting old craft books, I simply love them! I picked up two on our last trip to the opshop in the city. They were pretty pricey (seriously, what is the deal with the high prices!?) but so worth it. I mean, look at this funny lady! Where else would you see such a ridiculous pose?

Hope you are having a nice weekend where you are! It's really sunny today and I even had to remove my jumper during my walk to the store, and then lay on the cool grass when I returned home.
Interesting things:
Sometimes I wish I could live like this.
This girl is probably a bit nuts and really fun.
Lots of yummy Scandinavian eats to drool over here.