Do you ever rush to the window when you hear the postman pulling up to deliver mail? I do. Mail is so exciting (except bills and junk mail, bleh!). Anywho, I watched the postie as he pulled out a very colourful package from the basket on his motorbike and popped it into our mailbox. As soon as he left I ran out to grab it. Turned out to be the zines and stickers I bought from the ever-so-cool Sarah McNeil. (Yessssssssss!)

The zines were a sort of 'housewarming' present from me to us, and has been added to our personal zine library. Too bad my other zines are still in Brisbane! Also, how nice are these stickers?! I think skunks are the cutest things ever, and this little guy pretty much sealed the deal on my sticker purchase.

Ta-da! Now my laptop is real pretty! (Although, there is still room for more sticky pictures!)