Morning all! I am feeling like a bit of a duffer, because I realised last night that I had not yet uploaded any images of my new quilt brooches and earrings to the blog! Whoopsies.
Anywho, here are my latest pieces! There are 2 quilt designs and come in four different colours, which you can see below. My personal favourite is definitely the square quilt with the red, blue and white patterns, which I paint by hand.
These guys will be available at Finders Keepers this July, which I am so excited for. This will be my fourth Brisbane Finders market as a stallholder and I can't wait! I have a rather fun display organised, let's just say it's super colourful!
These earrings are so tiny, only 1 centimetre square!
Fun fact! These were photographed on my favourite clothes! A blue/white knitted vest which I have sewn novelty snowflake buttons on, my embroidered and very holey 'grandma' cardigan and a 50s day dress.