The British Mummy Blogging World is alight with excitement as the build up to the first CyberMummy conference commences. A few people have done a meet and greet post so that when we all get there in person we might have a fighting chance of putting a name and a face together. So - here's mine.
Name: Pants With Names/Brit in Bosnia also known to respond to Emily and Muuuummmmmmeeeeeeee
Blog: Pants With Names to be found at but until recently it was Brits in Bosnia at
Twitter ID: @pantswithnames
Height: Taller than many, shorter than some.
Hair: Uncut - I average a haircut per baby which means I'm due one soon. Maybe before CyberMummy but need a babysitter...
Likes: The World Cup (really!), the Balkans, things that make me think, dog walks, an English summer day, moments when someone actually does what I've asked them to do (rare), subversive senses of humour and knights & pirates.
I can't get too into the idea of the conference at the moment as I have a massive deadline the day before (I'm supposed to be writing up my PhD thesis, ha ha ha haaaaa). But do come and say hello, I'll be the one looking ungroomed but very relieved.