Christian Travelers Guide

Celebrating more slugs and snails

The scan has spoken. Time to hold off on buying the pink clothes, no need to rush out to look at dolls and princess outfits. For as I had predicted since day one of this pregnancy, we're having another boy. So leaving aside the question of why does no one listen to me on these matters as I have yet to be proved wrong, it is time to celebrate. I have to say that I am absolutely thrilled. Another little lad. I love boys, know all about them. I can play knights and pirates, my footie skills are improving daily and we live very near a train bridge on which hours can be whiled away watching express trains and freight trains whilst being waved at by the drivers. We've got enough boy clothes to sink a battleship. There isn't very much pink in our house. It's how I like it.

I'm always taken aback by the number of people who presume that, with 2 boys, I must be wanting a girl. The honest truth is that I'm not. If number 3 had been a girl I would have been delighted, but I'm equally as thrilled with a boy. I was chatting in the playground with a Mum of 3 girls the other day and we agreed that there's a lot to be said for having a family all of the same sex. Everything just seems a bit easier somehow. Certainly, there is no need to flash me a look of sympathy.

So now we know, the time has come to start thinking of a name. And here we start to run into trouble. For the only issue that I can see with having 3 boys is that we have run out of boys names that we both like. Let the debate (better known as a discussion with some heat in it) commence!