Christian Travelers Guide

Like A Virgin - Maylands Salvos Op Shop Review

I know I know! I promised a review of Cannington's Salvos and already I've changed my mind! I had it all good to go, but yesterday Nathan and I literally stumbled upon Maylands Salvos store and this one is too good to leave til another day (and when I say stumbled, I really mean it!)

Maylands Salvos Front Store: You Got That At An Op Shop?!
Maylands Salvos Op Shop Welcome Sign: You Got That At An Op Shop?!

So while Nath decided listening to the last quarter of footy was of more importance, I took myself off to explore this store for the very first time (get it??). What can I say other than within seconds, I was back out to the car urging Nath to come in as we had struck gold!

I could barely contain my excitement as I picked my way through the ground floor of furniture, books and bric-a-brac. Straight away I came across a large framed image that I've now stashed away as part of Nath's birthday present (you'll have to wait until after the 23rd May to find out what it is!) for $5.99.

There is absolutely heaps of furniture, and yes you did have to climb around to get a good view of the ones you fancied, but that is definitely part of the fun. Cabinets, pianos, dining tables, mirrors, buffets - all in utter retro, vintage and well loved glory.

There were some amazing 70's sea green & brown padded swing chairs for $25 each as well as several well looked after needlepoint-type couches that, with a little modern touch up, would be amazing pieces to own. And at $150 for a full set!

Op Shop Rule No 1: Accept What Is There, For What It Is. Remember, it's secondhand people! Its going to have dings and dents and a little patina, but that's what makes it a special find - either for you, or someone else.

Maylands Salvos Bric A Brac:

The bric-a-brac is plentiful. I must admit that I wasn't particularly taken with what china/ironstone/crockery was on offer, but as my Mum kindly noted, its probably because I now have a more discerning eye when it comes to these pieces. There are the odd collector pieces to be found however, they are a tad overpriced. I would suggest not buying any collectible china here.

But in all fairness, there is heaps of general stuff to choose from -especially if you are looking at building up your kitchen collection or the collection of that son you have been trying to move out of the family home for years! All you have to do is take the time to wander the aisles and pick away.

Maylands Salvos Op Shop Books:

For all you bookworms (me included) there are cabinets full of books, covering every topic and at reasonable prices too. Nath picked up some current biographies & work related books, while I rifled through the craft section.

I had a quick peek upstairs to see what other delights awaited me and I was not disappointed - a whole floor full of clothes, shoes and manchester awaits. And I mean a WHOLE factory floor. But before I was able to get stuck into it, I was greeted by my hubby who I believe came in to hurry me up... .but when I showed him the vintage 60's drink cabinet I had in mind for him, that was it. He was sold (as was the cabinet!).

So eventually under the guise of "we need to ask someone how much that cabinet costs" we ventured upstairs to suss the rest of the place out. The top floor is absolutely chockers with clothes with a great range for everyone - kids, plus size, women, men, vintage, bridal, costume etc etc. I really don't think I've come across a store with so much to offer. And the other impressive thing was that it was neat and tidy too, making it easier still to fossick around.

Maylands Salvos Op Shop Bridal Attire:

One thing I've been asked by my wonderful friends-who-are-parents, is whether or not op shopping is kid friendly. I tend to gently suggest that sometimes it may not be advisable to bring the kidlets along (and I will get into that in a whole other blog!), however Maylands Salvo's has thought of that. You see, they have themselves a toy area up near the clothes section. Keep the kids happy while the folks get stuck into it! Brilliant!

The shoe collection isn't massive, but I was still able to find a few goodies in my size which I would have purchased, if I hadn't had found me a lovely Verge electric blue silk dress for $14.99!! Besides, if you know me, then you know I already have quite an, ahem, extensive shoe collection.

You Got That At An Op Shop Model Nathan W

Nath was able to pick his way through a couple of really cool vintage jackets though - but in the end, it was the drink cabinet that won - especially at $45. All it needs is a dust, polish & glass clean. From what we can see, it also appears to be handmade too.

I was impressed with the quality and amount of manchester available too - we all know these things cop a lot of wear and tear in everyday use, so it was great to see some quality stuff on offer.

And finally, I have to mention the the staff here - they were really switched on, generous and helpful. And given they were fairly busy, I thought the service was great.

Maylands Salvos is definitely a store worthy of exploration. And if you are going to venture there, be sure you allow yourself a good couple of hours... as well as a car that fits your potential purchases (yes we had some space issues with the cabinet!). Feel free to bring your kids to this one too!

Maylands Salvos Op Shop Bric A Brac:

Stock Up On: * Furniture * Books * Clothes
For Another Day: * Collectible China

Maylands Salvos
203 Guildford Road
Maylands WA 6051
Ph: (08) 9272 3851

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