Last Friday I moved house! (Yet again, I seem to relocate my living quarters every 6 months or so!) The whole moving-house-yet-again thing actually wasn't too bad this time around. I had my little workspace set up in only a couple of hours! The photo above is how I wish it looked all the time, nice and pristine... but a pristine workspace tells me two things about myself:
1. I haven't been very productive.
2. I REALLY need to start making a creative mess very soon indeed!
At the moment there are a bunch of earrings in various stages of assembly and lots of paintbrushes laying about. This week has been rather busy so far, but it's always nice to snuggle up to this little lump and eat ice cream!

Treating yourself to a new brooch doesn't hurt either. The clay mountain brooch is by Melbourne based label And O Design, isn't it the loveliest?!

Yumi is so clever, I wish I could buy all of her pieces. I especially love these and these.
Oh, and before I forget, my social media profile is up on The Weekend Edition's 'connect' page, so you can follow along through whichever website or application you please.
How has your week been so far? Any crazy indulgences lately?