School (uni) was great fun yesterday. My first textiles class involved screen-printing with hand-cut stencils and relief printing onto calico. When I collect my dried prints later today I'll take some photos and share them here.
I recently saw a pretty neat idea for making quick screens using embroidery hoops as the frame, perfect for anyone who wants to try screen printing without too much commitment supplies-wise.

July and August postcard
These deceptively simple and very beautiful Japanese postcards found via Present & Correct this morning are giving me ideas for shapes and colours I could explore in my next class (or in-between classes. I love that the studio is open for use!)

Seagull postcard

Young Woman with Hat in Hand
Time for me to head over to the campus to attend an art forum and pop into town to purchase some more embroidery floss. I will try not to get carried away but I feel as though I might have to sneak in some sequins. Next week I am looking forward to listening to the guest speakers at the art forum, as they work with textiles and that is always fun.