Karen Walker Eyewear
This morning I just wanted to quickly mention how ace the latest Karen Walker Eyewear campaign is. Each model is a regular on Advanced Style - just look how beautiful these ladies are!! I love their confidence and admire how they truly 'know' themselves. They are comfortable with who they are.

Sue Kreitzman via Advanced Style
It's my second day at university yet class doesn't start until later, so in the meantime I've been looking at lots of different blogs for ideas on how to make mine better. What 'better' actually means to me is a bit elusive but I'd really like to give this space a cohesive look and for it to be a little (ok, a lot) more visually appealing. Top Notch Type seems like a good head start. I still want it to look like my own space though, still quite 'Pannikin', even though Pannikin will be evolving along with me. Growing up, if you will, but still reflecting my personality and remaining childlike and naive.
In saying all this, I'd like to mention now that most of my designs for Pannikin will no longer be in production. To be honest, I want to make new things. And I mean, really MAKE things. With my hands, not computers and laser cutters and hours of repetitive painting. I want to make unique things, exciting things and experimental things. Mostly, I want to go back to playing, exploring and learning new techniques. University and future classes in ceramics, textiles, printing and metal work is a step in that direction.
So! If you have your eyes on any Pannikin pieces, whether from my shop or from my amazing stockists, it's best snap them up quick sticks to avoid disappointment.