Christian Travelers Guide

Halfway to 10k

All right, I'm almost halfway through my second 10k training program, Active's 5k to 10k. If I haven't said this already, I REALLY love this program. I love the last one I used for building endurance and distance, but this one has been helpful with speed and it seems to be more manageable since it gives me recovery weeks and easy days. I'm feeling confident that I'll be able to rock the Lehigh Valley Zoo Run Wild 10k coming up in August.

Unless I get sidetracked by cute animals.

Especially monkeys.

Sooooooo... how about a recap?

Week One:
Day One: 2.31 miles
Day Two: 2.58 miles
Day Three: 3.15 miles

Week Two:
Day One: 2.37 miles
Day Two: 2.84 miles
Day Three: 3.29 miles

Week Three:
Day One: 2.46 miles (Best pace!)
Day Two: 2.65 miles (Super humid boardwalk run... ugh.)
Day Three: 3.59 miles

Week Four:
Day One: 1.84 miles (Barefoot beach run!)
Day Two: 2.80 miles
Day Three: 3.79 miles (Best distance!)

And I'm currently on Week Five which is a recovery week. In 13 workouts, I've logged 35.4 miles and almost 8 hours of running. I love how I can see my speed increasing and distance increasing. My legs have felt fantastic... but I also haven't been doing Zumba as regularly. I'm thinking that might need to stay as a once-a-week thing rather than a twice a week thing.

My goal for right now is to begin incorporating more strength - yoga, kettlebells, lifting, etc. My arms are really my trouble zone right now and I need to build more core strength because that's the one thing I really felt I needed during the last 10k.


To hold myself over between this 10k and the beginning of my half marathon training, I am hosting a virtual 5k training group through Facebook for anyone who wants to run their first 5k or simply wants to improve their 5k time. Visit my From the Couch to the Concrete Facebook page for more info. The group starts August 18th.