I wrapped up week three of Couch to 5K (round 3, if you're counting) on a balmy 40-degree February afternoon today. Definitely refreshing after three weeks of running in 20-degree temps. My speed felt solid for once, but my stinking iPhone died with about 3 minutes left to go in my cool down... which just gave me an excuse to walk Lucy and re-track it. ;)
Anyway, as I was running, I was thinking about my cold weather essentials, so I thought I'd share. I read somewhere that you should dress for weather 20 degrees warmer than the actual temperature. I've found that what works for me is layers. On a REALLY cold day, I wear a thermal shirt under my Cozy Neck and then layer my Columbia jacket on top with my gloves tucked in my sleeves. On the bottom, I'll wear two pairs of leggings under a pair of sweatpants, plus thick wool socks and my Montrails. Then I'll tuck my ski mask into my turtleneck and slide a fleece headband over top so only my eyes are exposed. It's been working really well for me and I SWEAR by these essentials:

1. Under Armour Cozy Neck
I have legitimately been wearing this for almost every cold weather run. In fact, I think today is the first day I haven't worn it since I restarted Couch to 5K. I love that it has a thin fleece layer that helps trap the heat. I wear this over another thermal and under my Columbia jacket and I'm set. Even in single-digit temps, I've never been cold.

2. Montrail Rogue Racer Trail Running Shoes
I got these trail runners at the beginning of the fall with every intention to break them in on the trails now that I live "in the mountains" (and I use that term loosely). I've been running in nothing but Brooks for the last four years, but the new ones have been making my feet feel weird. I swapped the out for my Montrails one day while we were walking and haven't turned back since. These guys are nice and light, but they're stable enough for my weight and they have an amazing grip on the ice and slush. Since I started wearing them, I've had zero foot pain and zero blistering. Looking forward to giving these babies a run for their money at Hyner.
3. Dr. Lipp Original Nipple Balm for Lips

My lips chap like CRAZY in cold weather, especially since I breathe through my mouth when I run. I slather this on before I head out the door, and I'm good to go. No chapping, no peeling.

4. Fleece Ski Mask
My SAVIOR. Although it makes me look like a ninja/killer, I couldn't survive cold weather running without this baby. It also helps me keep my headphones in place... I put my ear buds in, then wrap this around my face with it up over my ears, and slid an ear-warmer headband over it and I'm set. This mask helps me keep my
breathing in check and keeps my chest from burning too long after I run. I've been able to be out in nearly sub-zero temps with this thing and have zero breathing problems. (PS - You can get them on eBay for like $5 shipped.)
5. Nike Tech Thermal Running Gloves

These guys are AWESOME. They have a little pocket in the palm of one hand for your house key and the thumb is touch-screen friendly. I got the men's in a small and they're a little bit big, but they're great for keeping my hands warm while I'm moving.
Pandora's hip-hop workout station... because there's nothing more motivating than someone rapping about asses while yours is running.