Christian Travelers Guide


I f'ed up real bad this weekend. And last weekend. So much for weighing myself in on Tuesdays so I don't do that.

Last weekend, I was home for my sister's graduation and then Josh's birthday was Monday. I did great at home, except for the cookie binge after graduation. It was all downhill from there. Beer, Doritos (my own personal kryptonite), cheesesteaks, birthday cake, Oreos... ugh. It makes me sick to think about it.

Luckily, I had lots of Zumba to keep me going last week, although I only got one run in on Wednesday.. and I really did push myself on that run.

Then there's this weekend. Family had a picnic for Meg's graduation on Saturday. I didn't eat any breakfast because I know how I get at picnics. Bad idea. I ate so much I felt like I had a lead food baby in my stomach. My mom wanted to go for a short run Saturday night, but I couldn't even wrap my head around putting on my sneakers and moving my body. I woke up in the middle of the night with terrible heartburn, cursing myself for the dumb choices I'd made.

Sunday was a little better. I didn't gorge myself and I went for a 3 1/2 mile walk, doing some sprint intervals.

I forced myself to run this morning, since I haven't really gotten to go lately. I had to wait for Safelite to fix my windshield, then I was ready to roll, except the weather wasn't. As soon as the Safelite lady left, it started to rain. Rather than make an excuse, I threw on a hat, tied my sneakers, and was on my way. The first mile sucked, I won't lie. But, I actually got a much faster run in today even though I had to walk a little bit because I was cramping.

I know that I am capable of making better decisions. I don't expect to be perfect. I realize that there will be more picnics and I will make more bad decisions, but I need to not let it ruin me for the weekend. So I ate too much at a picnic... I should still force myself to get out and run or go for a long walk. I also need to get away from this whole mindset of I might as well eat it all I want now because I won't have it again. I need to be satisfied with a scoop of macaroni and cheese, not three plates of it.

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