Christian Travelers Guide


Last Week: 167.8
This Week: 160.0
Week's Loss: 7.8 lb.
Week's %: 4.60%

Total Loss: 73 lb.
Total %: 31.33%

Current BMI: 26.6
Total BMI Change: 12.2

I SO badly want to be excited about this week's weigh-in, but yesterday morning, I stepped on the scale real quick and it was 167.2. I find it hard to believe that it would change that much overnight. Even water weight. Weeeeeird. But! I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts. I got on the scale 5 times in a row this morning to double check, lol. I walked Lucy, got back on, and it was 159.8. Then after I did my hair, I got on again and it was 160 even again. I haven't done anything to the scale, haven't moved it, got it wet.. whatever. Is this really possible?