Erin and Heidi over at 2 Fat Chicks with a Mission awarded me with the

Thank you, ladies! :D It's my very first! Woo!
How the Stylish Blogger Award works:
1. Link back to the person who gave the award to you
2. Share seven things about yourself
3. Pass the award on to recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them they’ve won.
Well, my seven things:
1. I can't stand having a dirty kitchen or bathroom. My bedroom can have clothes thrown all over and my living room can have blankets and books everywhere, but I just can't tolerate the kitchen or bathroom being dirty. Especially the sinks. Ew.
2. I hate when people wear their hair down to run. Sometimes I'll wear mine down when I'm teaching Zumba (because I love that it's longer now and flips all over when I dance, lol), but other than that, it grosses me out.
3. I wish I could find a job that allows me to work from home to allow me more time to pursue the weight loss thing further.
4. I am literally counting down the days 'till summer. I'm considering moving somewhere warmer next school year. This cold and snow and ice is driving me crazy.
5. I wish I had the patience to paint my apartment (and re-paint it when I have to move out).
6. Sometimes I think about getting Miss Lucy a playmate, but I know she'd be a bitch to him (or her). I feel bad when she's here by herself during the day, but I'd feel even worse having to keep a new dog in a crate during the day.
7. I drank way too much soda this weekend and have a perma-headache.
Now, my folks..
Just Five Less Pounds
Sheddin' in 11