This week has been a week of many successes so far... and it's only half-way over.
1. With my run on Sunday, I hit my first 20 mile week since I started running.

2. I took a yoga class Monday morning and finally managed to get myself into bow pose for the first time ever. Meaning, I got both legs bent, not just one. :)
3. I stepped on the scale Tuesday morning to my lowest weight ever.. 171.6.
4. I went to the gym on Tuesday with intention and I nailed my goal. I ran my very first 10-minute mile... and I didn't think I was going to die afterwards.
5. After I ran that 10-minute mile, I finished my training plan for the day, then did my cool-down walk at 4 mph. When I got into my weight loss and running log, I realized that my cool-down walk on Tuesday was at the same speed I was at the first time I ran a mile. I couldn't imagine walking that fast back then. (Like it was so long ago... it was only last year.)
6. I stepped on the scale last night to see that it was holding steady at 172.0 before I got ready for bed... pleasantly surprised and pretty anxious to see what it might say this morning...
7. Got on the scale this morning and saw it.. the 160s! 168.4. Lowest weight ever. I even took a picture of it just in case I didn't believe it later in the day!

I'm feeling more motivated than ever. I'm trying to be super good this week so I can go out Saturday night and enjoy myself. Since I have Zumba scheduled for Saturday morning now and should be able to also get in Week 2 Day 2 for Bridge to 10K, I'm feeling good. Just worried about my lack of motivation on Sunday. I'm working really, really hard and I don't want to get frustrated after a slip-up. Plus, I really want to hit 163 before Easter. That'll be the 70-pound mark. :)
Sometimes, I think about the fact that I've lost 65 pounds on my own and I'm just blown away. Never in a million years did I ever think I could be this healthy, this active. I've always thought of being this person and sometimes it's just crazy to think that I really AM that person now.