Today wraps up Week 1 of Bridge to 10K. I wanted to do everything but go to the gym tonight.
I woke up this morning to a 2-hour delay, ecstatic that the roads were supposed to clear up by this afternoon so I could get the last day of Week 1 in and start Week 2 on Thursday. I'm usually the first to complain if we don't close, but I was positive! I was upbeat! I was ready to roll!
But then, it happened.
I had a really, really (understatement - there aren't enough reallys in the world for how bad of a day it was) bad day at work. Really bad. Wanted to go home and drink my dinner bad. I checked the weather religiously for the last 15 minutes of work, crossing my fingers that the roads were going to get bad faster than expected, but no luck. I left school, headed for the gym, but thinking that mayyyyyyybe I could just go back at 8 and watch The Biggest Loser.
But, I went.
I got the stupid treadmill with the half-assed working sound system so I could barely hear any TV. I got myself moving, started with a faster warm-up walk than usual, and then I got swept up in Oprah's episode on going Vegan and 54 minutes and 15 seconds later, I had clocked 4 miles.

In case you haven't been following (or you're like me and can't do math), that is my fastest four miles EVER. WOO! I ran most of it at 4.7 and 4.8, locking in my fastest mile ever as well - 12:45, down from my very first mile time of 16:11. Double WOO!
I'm glad I went. I got all of my frustrations out, stretched my body, relaxed my mind. Came home and did a 20-minute pilates session. Now it's time to sit down with a turkey burger patty-melt (with Sara Lee 45-calorie bread, fat free Kraft singles, and I Can't Believe It's Not Butter) and a diet Coke (my alternative to drinking my dinner) and relax.

Sidebar: I discovered something wonderful at Giant today. They are these little all-natural M&M alternatives called SunDrops. I just got a little baggy of them to satisfy my sweet tooth and they are wonderful! (I'm not going to lie, I was drawn to them because I thought they were Reese's Pieces, but hey, they worked!)