So, I stepped on the scale around 4 AM this morning out of sheer nosiness because last night, P and I split a homemade cheese pizza (only 600 calories in half - woo! seemed like a good Saturday night splurge) and then split a pack of Tastycake Sensables. I thought my weight would be up a little bit, but holy lord almighty, it was 171.4! I crawled back into bed and couldn't relax, I was like, "P! The scale said 171! That's my lowest ever!" I was surprised I could even get myself back to sleep, I saw that number and I was ready to hit the gym.
Anyway, I set myself up for a cheat day today. Guess what I splurged on? Hahahaha. A bag of Doritos, like the grab bag size from the Walmart checkout, and Velveeta Shells and Cheese for dinner. The 2% milk kind. I can't even let myself be truly bad on a cheat day! Good lord.
Next Sunday will most definitely be one, since I'll be home and my family's having a Superbowl party. That's a whole blog post in itself.
I did push myself to the gym today. Only because "I Used to Be Fat" was on MTV and I wanted to catch the re-run since I've heard amazing things about the guy on this episode. (He looked PHENOMENAL at the end.. like a completely different person!) I did Week 1 Day 2 of Bridge to 10K. 4.7 miles after an hour and 10 minutes on the treadmill. I'm noticing that my legs want to move a little faster, so I did my first two runs at 4.5 instead of 4.3 like usual.
(I know, some of you are like, wtf? I walk faster than 4.3 mph.)