Exactly right. That's all I have to say about that this time of year :)
I am excited to say that I have re-directed and re-focused my life for the next 44 days. I have been given a great opportunity and will be taking the CA bar exam to get my license this February. That means 10 hours a day of study. Seriously. So while I am still a mom, a runner, a jobholder, homemaker, sister, daughter, and friend, I will become strategically selfish for the next few weeks so that I will pass this grueling 3 day exam.
This also means that most of my goals each week will be centered around memorizing and exam practice. In other words, I will continue my goals in the other areas, but with my exam focus in mind. So the goals in the other areas of my life will be minimal.
This will not just be an academic challenge for me. To keep most of my energy and focus on just 1 thing is very challenging for me. I pride myself on being a multi tasker and accomplishing a lot in different areas. For the next few weeks, there is really only 1 focus for me. And that is challenging. Very, very challenging.
The thing that I am excited about is that daily exercise will be one of my top priorities, as opposed to forcing room for it in my schedule. Running and cardio are great for the body and mind, as you know. And since I will be in "training" for this exam, I need to keep healthy with my food and workouts.
I have written a mission statement for myself for the next few weeks and will be keeping focus. I just have to remember why I am doing this. Anda big part of the reason is:

I want to show my little guy that sometimes we don't like to do things, and sometimes things are difficult, but that it is important that when we decide to do something, that we do our very best. And that is what I plan to do every day for the next 44 days. My very best.
I hope all of your new year's goals are working for everyone! I would love to hear what is new for 2011 with you :)