Christian Travelers Guide

Limited to 7

Thank you to Kovas who awarded me (and 87 others) the stylish blogger award, in which you share 7 things about yourself. Unless you are Emz, then you share more :)

So, below are 7 facts about me:

- I never went to the movies growing up. The first movie I ever saw in the theater was when I was 18 years old - It Can Happen to You with Nicholas Cage.

-I was a virgin until I got married at the age of 25. I always knew I would wait until I found the right one and got married. I didn't announce it, didn't discuss it, I just knew I would wait. So I did.

-Losing my mom to cancer when I was 27 years old was the most difficult thing that I have ever experienced. But it taught me about lessons about love and loss that have made me stronger and allowed me to help others through loss

-I started college after just turning 17 years old. I started and ended college with the same major, never changing it once: Biochemistry

-I skipped 5th grade. It was fine but going from 4th grade, where you are still a grammer school kid, to being a 6th grade junior high student was pretty difficult. But I found new friends :)

-I believe that being divorced is sometimes more work than being married (when there are children involved). Once divorced, you have to force yourself to be kind to the one person you don't want to be kind to. But that other person holds the single most important thing in your life, your child, with them 50% of the time. So you have to constantly try your very best to get along - no choice. When married, you can sometimes mistreat and ignore the other, you are married, after all :)

-The bar exam is the 3rd most difficult thing that I have ever had to do. If it were just academically challenging, I could deal with that. But it's not just academic. And making the exam the #1 priority in my life, even though it is for a short while, is the hardest part.

I am awarding the stylish blogger award to ... munch & crunch!