This has been a very bad week and I'm not 100% sure why. When P and I were in NYC this weekend, I bought two bags of dark chocolate Hershey miniatures. I haven't been able to stay out of them and I'm not even kidding, I think I ate 3/4 of the bag of peanut butter cups by myself. I decided to take everything that was left into school on Thursday because I was being ridiculous.
My workouts were off too. I have decided to drop one of my Zumba classes because my knees have really been giving me problems. I love Zumba and I would love to make a career out of it, but I also love running and hiking and I have a lot of big events coming up this year that I want to be able to do well and be prepared for. Now I'm down to 4 hours of Zumba a week and I need to SCHEDULE (operative word here) time for other workouts, including some intense ab work, incline training, and distance runs.
I had every intention of waking up and going to the gym this morning. And I really did get up and get dressed. Unfortunately, my craptastic cold I've had all week is still lingering and is worse than ever. I feel like I could scrape stuff off my chest, my head is floating away... and I can't find my headphones. So, instead, I think I'm going to go out in the 10-degree weather to Walmart and get some headphones and groceries for the week, after I sit here and make a plan for this coming week.
My parents are coming up in about a month over Presidents' Day Weekend and I would TRULY love to be in the 160s by then. I need to get this ball rolling again because there hasn't been much of a loss in a very long time.
I guess the good thing is that I know I'm able to live a regular life and maintain my weight.
But still, I'd love to be maintaining a much lower weight. :)