So as I'm out shopping on Friday, I saw this:

I decided it shouldn't be just 1 gift for myself so I ended up with gifts for myself. Plural.

In that huge bag are really cute sweatpants, t-shirts and PJs (in addition to the unmentionables). And as a sidenote, I am really glad that my family doesn't read this blog. Otherwise it would be "why did I get this USC sweatshirt when you got yourself that huge bag of items that you posted on your blog?"
See? I'm glad I have not told my family about the blog :)
Here is another fact about me. Before this weekend, I have never, ever been to see a movie on opening weekend in the theater. Never. Weird, right? But I don't like the movies and never had been in a theater until I was 19 years old. But that's another story.
This weekend I saw:

It was fine. Kind of like The Thomas Crown Affair. But Crown Affair was better.
Anyway, onto my goals for this week:
Healthy Happiness
To get all of my workouts in - 2 cycling/spinning classes and at least 2 runs this week. And to drink lots of water - from when I get up until I go to bed (I have stashed water bottles all over the house for this purpose).
Mom Missions
To just have fun with my little guy. It is easy to let holiday stress overwhelm the family activities, and that is what I want to avoid.
The holidays are shared with my ex-husband and so I try as best as I can to make each moment count (whether or not it is holiday time). We did Christmas activities and shopping for others last weekend together. So the next few days are for fun... maybe Disneyland and ornament making :)
Lady of the House
To keep healthy snacks around the house. We have all of the cookies, cakes and candies that are around this time of year. But I want to ensure that we have some healthy choices too :)
I hope you are having a great month so far! December is half over - make these moments count.
Live in the moment, while planning for the future, and treasure it all :)