Today is my last day in Hawaii and since it is back to real life and work for me tomorrow, today is my "Sunday."
Here is the view from one of my evening runs this week:

It is so beautiful here. Literally. No matter what time of day or night. And to be able to go for runs and surf in this terrific weather and with all of this beauty around, it has been so refreshing.
And for that, I am grateful :)
Here are my goals for this week:
Healthy Happiness
To complete 3 more runs this week, and yoga at least once.
Mom Missions
To take the little guy out running at least 2 days this week. It will probably include a Turkey Trot at the beach on Saturday.
Lawyer Limits
To complete my projects for the month by the end of this week. It will mean working Saturday and Sunday, but I will still manage to have lots of family time and even some Christmas shopping :)
Academic Ambition
To learn, with my little guy, something new about Thanksgiving (either library trip or internet research).
Lady of the House
Simple, but necessary. To get all of our gear and clothes from this trip unpacked and cleaned. My other home goal this week is to get the guest room cleaned out (you know how those extra bedrooms become "junk rooms"?)

Happy early Thanksgiving!! :)