The week is more than halfway over! It has been one of those weeks where you have been doing lots of things that you don't want to do, and barely any of what you've set out to do. **sigh**
My goal that I set for myself at work has not gone at all the way that I was hoping. As a result, I have had to shift my entire month around and figure out when exactly I can work it out, in order to end October way ahead of September.
Here is a pix of the best thing at the new restaurant in Hollywood that I tried tonight. It is Eva Longoria's restaurant and in English, Beso means Kiss. Cute, right?
For those of you that care, the food was not that great. The dessert (pictured above) was great, but these days, I treasure the places that have good protein options. This place was very Hollywood sheek, but the food was average. So I made sure to have it with a glass of good red wine so that the filet tasted better :)
My lawyer goals this week didn't go as planned but I felt better because I got my Halloween costume:

I mean, who needs goals when you can be SuperGirl, right?
But seriously, my 6 year old little guy loves superheros so I thought I would be a "cool" mom and be a superhero this year (not a fairy or princess like I was last year). And, my wish came true because my little guy thinks I'm the best superhero mom ever :)
Well, this superhero must finish up my work for the night, as I have a long run ahead of me in the morning. And I gotta add - I like dressing up for Halloween now because we were not allowed to dress up for Halloween in my house when I was growing up. Have any favorite childhood costume dress - ups?