My day was suppose to go a little something like this (my typical Monday):
*pack school lunch
*iron school clothes for the little guy
*3 mile run
*our Monday morning breakfast out (date with me and the little guy)
*room mom time in my little guy's 2nd grade class
*pick up from school
*homework (little guy)
*work a little (me)
*Secretariat movie (at the best theater ever!)
*bath & bedtime (little guy)
*homemaking/housework (me)
But instead, my day looked like this:

My little guy was home sick for the day with the flu, so the whole day as planned did not happen. And so far, neither has my 3 mile run (can I count my running from the kitchen, to his bedside, to the laundry room, etc?)
But I will get my run in because that is one of my health goals this week - to complete all of my runs. And my very 1st half marathon is only 2 weeks away!
So my day did not work out as planned, but hey, that's life, right? Learning how to roll with the changes and obstacles thrown your way :)