Christian Travelers Guide

7 in the rain

OK - so I woke up in the 5 am hour this morning ready to go, with my running outfit laid out, and my work clothes pressed and ready for me to get dressed after my morning run and shower.

What I wasn't expecting was a shower during my run! It was raining! I live in LA where it never rains, and certainly not in September. But, nevertheless, I ran my 7 miles anyway. In the rain.

I felt hardcore for running my 7 miles in the rain and I snapped this pix at mile 6. I was so proud of my sweaty little self.

Then I got home and looked at my training plan. I was suppose to do 8 miles! Huh? There went the pin to my balloon. Oh well, I will add a mile to my run tomorrow.

So, Wednesdays are my days to address my work goals. Well, I am behind where I wanted to be, but I have revised my goals for the next 4 days. I will get it done! And if I can just take a moment to say... I am grateful for my job and I love what I do! And I love to hear about what people love the most about their jobs.