Wow. There have been a lot of changes around here over the past few days. My focus has had to shift in a dramatic way. It has been very difficult. As I sat watching the fireworks tonight, I was reminded that despite changes that I am not comfortable with, and despite difficulties, I am still a lucky girl. And I am grateful for the things and opportunities in life that I have been given. Happy 4th of July and happy birthday, America :) And here is to the freedom that I am so grateful for!
We are halfway through 2010 at this juncture. And, to renew my focus, in light of certain changes, I have re-reviewed my goals for 2010. It was encouraging to see the accomplishments and renew my focus for the next 6 months.
So, here are my goals for this first week in July:
I've been sick this last week and wasn't able to keep to my training schedule so my goal this week is to train per the schedule every day - which is 20 miles this week. It may not sound like a lot, but it will be a difficult (yet doable) task for me, in light of the fact that I have not been training this last week.
To go through his reading and activity books this week to get rid of the items that are below his academic level and add and organize the current level of reading and activity books. He will begin 2nd grade in 5 weeks and I must have it organized!
To keep my mental focus on being grateful for my job and opportunities I have been given at my firm. I am hopeful that this focus will help me to start out strong for the month of July!
To practice sudoku this week. Sudoku is suppose to help a person's short term memory and I would like to improve my memory skills over the next few months in looking towards the bar exam next year.
To focus on healthy meal preparations this week. It's time to get back in the habit of having healthy meals and snacks in the house. We have not been home a lot and it's easy to fall out of practice. But with my summer cold and our family illnesses this past month, it's time to focus on healthy mealtimes AT HOME :)
FINANCIAL - In addition to my weekly goals, I have monthly goals that I work on also. This month (which includes this week), I am looking to pay off one debt in full, and pay down another. This is above my usual payments. Hopefully I can make my goal this month with these 2 debts - I love the feeling of accomplishment that comes with freeing yourself!
Happy July and Happy Birthday, America! :)