I love summer Fridays! Today I went swimming with Isaiah and now enjoying family time and off for an outdoor movie with the kids.
The picture above was taken after on eof my beach runs this week. Two days this week I did my miles in the sand - that is TOUGH, but a really good time :)
I confused 2 of my goals from earlier this week so I wanted to clarify my goals and accomplishments:
Mom Missions
I made plans for Isaiah and I to visit Huntington Library and Gardens as our outdoor activity this week. Also, I have been driving around in a convertable with Isaiah so that we could enjoy the outdoors no matter where we are going (that counts, right?). And lastly, we have taken 2 outside "nature walks". So - that goal has been accomplished.
Lady of the House
I am still working on our pictures to get those arranged, organized, and a couple printed out for Isaiah's upcoming trip.
Paralegal Purpose
Ok - this goal will hopefully be accomplished this weekend. I had to do some schedule shifting but am hoping to be done with work at the end of this weekend. So... good luck to me!
Happy June and have a great weekend!