I'm sorry I have not been able to blog regularly nor post pictures. I have not been home for the last 10 days... I've been on the "go" - from working to our vacation, and back to working. Since I am lucky enough to be able to do my own work schedule, when I do work, it is for a couple of days at a time so that I can finish all of my goals. Crazy life... but I love it :)
So, I was looking at June and getting worried for all that needs to be accomplished this month and when I am going to do what. And then I thought, "Just 1 week at a time, that's all I need to do."
So here are my goals for this week:
Healthy Happiness
to exercise literally every day - even if it is just a 20 walk around the block (I need this mental break every day this whole month); and I will log my exercise and calories in my diary every day also (although I am being careful with food, I wasn't keeping my calorie diary while on vacation)
Mom Missions
to do at least one educational/nature outing with Isaiah this week to begin the summer
Paralegal Purpose
to accomplish half of my MONTHLY goals by Friday (I am trying to free up the second half of the month)
Academic Ambition
to memorize constitutional law this week (memorize at least 60 rules) and to do my crimes questions (50 per day); do 4 essays for crimes
Lady of the House
to print out pictures of me & Isaiah so that he can take one on his trip to MI this summer
I hope you had a great holiday weekend! I would love to hear some of your goals or plans for this week :)