Thanks to some great feedback from you guys, it's time to step it up and let the blog be a little more interactive!
So for starters, I'm encouraging you to share your drool-worthy op shop & second hand finds on the blog's facebook page each month. All you have to do is:
1. Upload a photo of your find, whenever you like, to the You Got That At An Op Shop?! facebook timeline
2. Include the details:
* Your name (eg "Kelly")
* What the item/s is (eg "English Ironstone Coffe Cup")
* Place you found it (eg "Bentley Red Cross, Perth")
* What it cost (eg "50c")
* When (eg "October")
* Feel free to add any other info you'd like to share!
What I'll then do is add it to the latest "Thrift File" album for all and sundry to keep enjoying.
As well as that, at the end of each month, the best thrifted find (and thrifter of course!) will get an extra special mention on the weekly blog, facebook, twitter and pinterest sites.
There will be the odd special prize too - so keep your eyes peeled, and keep your thrifts coming!
Remember, it's all about being interactive, so you can swoon over each others bargains as well as share where they can be found! I'll be posting my pics to these albums from now on too, but of course it's you guys who will get the kudos!
What better month to start than October - the "Buy Nothing New Month"!!
Kel x
ps if you have any problems uploading your images, feel free to email them to me at and I'll do it for you! xx